J.C. Peters


 The Dog and Its Day

An assassin is hired to kill 2016 Presidential Nominee Ronald Drump.

But how do you kill the most protected Presidential candidate in history?

The Dog and Its Day

Ge The Dog and Its Day

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Historical Nonfiction

History That Changed the World

History That Changed the World unearths the many links between the past and the present by zooming in on the key events, movements, inventions and people whose profound impact on the course of history continues to echo into our own time

History that changed the world

History that changed the world

World 2.0

World 2.0: A History from Enlightenment to Terrorism and Beyond offers a compelling, refreshing new look at some of the most influential, spectacular, moving, misguided and horrible events of the past 250 years

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Other Nonfiction

Forex for Ambitious Beginners

Forex For Ambitious Beginners explains how the foreign exchange market works, what the essential elements of successful forex trading are, and how to avoid many mistakes beginning traders make.


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